I am an expert on ecigs and supporting them. I have dissected everyone I ever bought and I have bought them all. I only sell the best and you can ask my customers, I provide the best support. Dont get ripped off by fancy labeled crap. They all come from the same place. www.awesomevapor.com
Tag Archives: smokeless cigarette
E-Cigarette Atomizer Maintenance Cleaning using Coke/ DSE801
A few people have asked for me to video this procedure. This is just an additional step that I do once every one to two weeks besides letting the atomizer drain overnight. Be your own judge with knowing that one of my atomizers lasted four months with this procedure.(Please note: Some manufacturers do not recommend water) Keep in mind that some say that this is questionable because of the sugar in the cola, however I have had no problems with rinsing it well. In the video I soaked for 22 hours, however any amount of time is better than not at all, especially if you need your atty immediately. As with maintenance with just water, it will take a few more draws to get it vaping again. To help with that I put 2-3 drops of e-liquid directly on the dry atomizer just this time followed by a fresh full cartridge. I purchased my DSE801 E-CigaretteAtomizerBatteries and E-liquid from www.awesomevapor.com because of the quality of product and excellent customer service! Thank you for watching and Happy Vaping!
Electronic Cigarette reviews – scams BEWARE radio and Free Offers & Ripoffs
This episode is intended to make newcomers aware of the many pitfall companies out there and a warning to simply double check any comany before ordering from them.
Green Smoke Electronic Cigarette Review by perfectelectroniccigarette.com
greensmoke.com Green Smokeā¢ offers quality Electric cigarettes with disposable cartridges that produce the highest smoke volume in the industry. See what Green Smokers have to say about their new way of smoking.
Kingpin T-Rex e-Cigarette Review
Dependable. God like battery, great smoke and natural flavors.
Try Elite Electronic Cigarette — $4.95 Elite E Cig Risk Free Trial
electroniccigarettehub.org Get your Elite free electronic cigarette starter kit today! Related terms that other people searched for: Elite E-Cigarette Elite Ecigarettes Elite Ecigs Elite Electric Cigarette Elite Electric Ciggs Elite Electronic Cegerette Elite…
Electronic Cigarettes – E-Cigs Testimonials, review and real life experience – Episode 1 – Part 1
Part 1, Shawn decides to move from regular cigarettes to electronic cigarettes aka e-smokes. This first video is really long but he showcases why the move. To view all videos make sure to view Episodes 1-A then episode 1-B and finally 1-C. Future videos under 5 minutes
Electronic Cigarette Ban FDA New Report Cancer Death Harmful Antifreeze proof ecigs alert
After 20 years of smoking Shawn moved over to Electronic Cigarettes E-Cigs, now a new FDA report was released July 22nd and has an impact regarding this new product.
Electronic cigarette health concerns – Episode 8
In this episode Shawn addresses Health Concerns, risks, and issues while smoking E-Cigs. If you want to no more about eCigs and if it really works then this channel is for you. After 20 years of smoking tobacco cigarettes Shawn makes the move to Electronic cigarettes. These videos log this experience.
How the eCigarette Works
Welcome to the revolution in healtier, cheaper and guilt free smoking. The e cigarette gives you all the nicotine you want without the 4000 other chemicles and cancer causing agents. You can smoke it anywhere, as it gives off no smell! To learn more head on over to www.esmokeinpeace.com